Hostel near Kiyomizu Temple

Hostel near Kiyomizu Temple

2023.06.14 Current Overview.

Hostel near Kiyomizu Temple

Property Name Hostel near Kiyomizu Temple
Property Value ¥580,000,000
Location Bairin-cho, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto
Access Keihan Line「Kiyomizu-Gojo」Station 9 mins walk
land approx. 330 sqm
Type of ownership Ownership
Building RC B1F& 5 Stories
Completion date September, 2017
Category of Land Use Zone Commercial・Neighborhood Commercial
Building Coverage Ratio 80%
Floor area ratio 400%・300%
Road Width:North:4m  West:3.3m  South:2.9m
Note Now closing

Special Note

※This outline is not based on the Building Lots and Buildings Transaction Business Act, but is a summary. Moreover, the present condition takes precedence. *If the property has already been sold, please check back at any time, as conditions may be subject to change during negotiations.
*Further information will be disclosed after the conclusion of a confidentiality agreement.
