Osaka Kouraibashi Office <※This property has already sold>

Osaka Kouraibashi Office <※This property has already sold>

2021.04.17 Current Overview.

Osaka Kouraibashi Office <※This property has already sold>

Property Name Osaka Kouraibashi Office <※This property has already sold>
Property Value ¥650,000,000
Location kouraibashi, Osaka-city
Access 3 min walk from Kitahama station, Osaka Metro Sakaisuji-Line
land 181.63 sqm
Type of ownership Full Ownership
Building SRC 8-stories building
Completion date May, 1985
Category of Land Use Zone Commercial Area
Building Coverage Ratio 80%
Floor area ratio 500%
Road 10m width, Public Road
Note ※This property has been sold.
Buyer planed to use by themselves

Special Note

※This outline is not based on the Building Lots and Buildings Transaction Business Act, but is a summary. Moreover, the present condition takes precedence. *If the property has already been sold, please check back at any time, as conditions may be subject to change during negotiations.
*Further information will be disclosed after the conclusion of a confidentiality agreement.

  • Osaka Kouraibashi Office <※This property has already sold>
  • Osaka Kouraibashi Office <※This property has already sold>
