An honest real estate agent

An honest real estate agent

Tidbits on buying a condo

An honest real estate agent

An honest real estate agent

“An honest real estate agent ( Shojiki Fudousan) “ is a Japanese comic book, based upon “Big Comic” series by Takeshi Natsuhara, Mitsuhiro Mizuno and Akira Ohtani since 2017.
Real Estate industry is said to be “Senmitsu”, because there are only 3 trustworthy stories out of 1000 stories. It’s 3-in-a-thousand chance. It also means that many estate agencies have gone through a lot and are very shrewd, so there is no way for amateur to beat those agencies.
The main character, Mr. Nagase has been willing to lie for the sake of the contract. He once broke a small shrine when a Jichin-sai or a ground-breaking ceremony is held before the construction work. He was changed his personality that he can’t tell a lie from that moment.
It’s an ironic comedy which depicts Mr. Nagase confronting with honest sales style.

Let me give you some examples, the following are the context of the book.

・a subdivision lot subject to construction of a home by the lot seller
・defect liability, Encumbrance
・obligation to disclose
・leasehold right
・covenant about lending a financial loan

This comic will naturally help you understand the meaning of those unfamiliar real estate technical terms. Mr. Nagase who can’t tell a lie to the rival salesman who tried to trick the customers or other salesman in the same company appears and tells the customer honestly the disadvantages of the contract. The story develops always like this.
Bad real estate agents, villains appear one after another in this comic.

I just started reading this manga, but the stories and technical terms are very familiar with me from my personal experience. Some people think that many of the job people have today will be eliminated by AI. Clerk (general / medical / accounting, etc.), receptionist, machine industry, manager (apartment / dormitory / parking lot), metal processing industry, construction worker, automobile worker (assembly / painting), security guard, newspaper delivery person, Security guard, taxi driver / train driver / route bus driver, delivery staff (courier / mail / motorcycle courier), data entry staff, hotel guest room staff, plating craftsman, receptionist are high possibility to be substituted by AI. The real estate brokerage business, especially leasing brokerage is as well.
On the other hand, investing into real estate has many elements related with negotiation against the counterpart such as buyer, seller, lender, maintenance manager and broker agent. This area of business goes hand in hand with feeling and expectation, it is unlikely to be eliminated by A.I.

You get what you pay for. We have high advanced negotiation and knowledge skill. If you have any severe or tough problem, feel free to consult us.
